So many of our global neighbours are now living on the edge of survival. Funds raised during the seven days of Christian Aid Week make life-changing differences.
In Burundi 70% of people live in poverty and 52% of children are underweight, underdeveloped and vulnerable to life-threatening diseases. In the areas where Christian Aid works, people without their own small business or income depend on casual work to buy food for that day. It is a fragile day to day existence that many don’t survive. Trainers , funded by Christian Aid, set up community workshops and village saving/loans associations providing the skills to kickstart small businesses and establish steady incomes. This initial help and training enabled Aline, who was homeless and separated from her children, to set up a small grocery business and turn her life around. She is now able to rent a house, buy food, clothes and healthcare, support her 3 sons and help others.
£10 – provides one person with the training that supports them to establish a steady income
£27 – could buy a lockable safe that protects a community’s savings to provide loans
£275 – could fund the vital training that enables a community to set up small businesses and improve their living conditions.
C A humanitarian work reached 3.3 million people directly and indirectly during 2022/23. Included in this number are newborn babies in Ukraine, safe thanks to new incubators provided by partner Crown Agents. In Gaza C A supports partners such as MAP (Medical Aid for Palestinians) to provide medical relief, food, shelter and sanitation and also Zochrot, an Israeli civil society based in Tel Aviv helping those affected by the conflict.
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